
Apakah Ada Perpecahan antara SBY dan JK

[trick to motivate] Pernyataan ini sempat mencuat manakala terjadi saling menyindir antara Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan Jusuf Kala.
Sebagaimana diketahui sekarang ini posisi mereka berdua adalah presiden dan wakil presiden RI. Apakah memang benar ada perpecahan ??
apakah perselisihan kecil ini berdampak pada perekonomian indonesia mendatang??
Sebagaimana diberitahukan, bahwa Yusuf kala sempat menyindir koleganya tersebut lambat dalam mencari Cawapres, dan hal tersebut dibantah Susilo dengan mengatakan, urusan penentuan cawapres berdasarkan pertimbangan sendiri. "Saya tidak pernah mengganggu pihak lain mau cepat atau mau lambat," ujar Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Partai Demokrat ini.
Kiranya Demokrasi yang berkembang di Indonesia saat ini, dan panasnya suhu politik tidak menyebabkan perekonomian kacau, saham anjlok serta kekacauan di kalangan pendukung kedua kubu..
Kita tunggu saja, semoga Susilo dan Jusuf mampu menjadi para pimpinan politik yang patut dicontah bukan hanya patut di pilih..


Is ice cream a ringleader cough?

Parents must set the taste of food children. essentially, do not consume any excessive. Ice cream is a comfort food, therefore, enjoyed reasonable but may not be every day.

Some children have sensitive kerongkongannya so that it does not hold the cold, therefore, consumption of cold food will cause inflammation to the esophagus causing children cough. If our child include the child's resistance to cold water to steam, eat some fo the ice cream is not reasonable cause interference.
Gynecology nutrition ice cream per 100 g:
• energy (Kal 207),
• protein (4 g),
• fat (12.5 g),
• calcium (123 mg),
• phosphorus (99 mg)


Check your Blog Price !!

[trick to motivate]Today i get some info from, that i must copy an article from him.. but i dont realy know what its for.. [he..he..he.. sorry arief ]
so i just comment to his blog that i will link his article to my next article.. [i do what i promise :)]
but now, i will not talk about it. But i will info you to know how much your blog price is??
its price info for : Estimated Worth $2,007.40 USD
This is an estimate of
Net Worth $2,007.40 thumbnail
Daily Pageviews 300
Daily Visitors 100
Daily Ad Revenue $0.32 - 0.79

but its just game i think.. so in this time will give you some informasi about your blog price..
its easy to check it. just input / type your blog addres on this site, than click value !! hola..
you will get your blog price...
exacly i'am not really believe this price .. btw, its just for fun..
so how about yours !! check here..